The Batiste Family - Hairdressing and Bricklaying/Plastering apprenticeships

Maxine Batiste

Steve Batiste

Lucy Batiste
A Family Affair
The Batistes are fantastic ambassadors for the apprenticeship programme. Maxine and Steve both completed their apprenticeships in the lates 80s/early 90s, and daughter Lucy will complete her qualification in 2022.
Apprenticeship: Hairdressing, 1988 – 1991
Maxine remembers her very first day: “I learnt how to plait hair at the College. Back then we used dummies for cutting to start with and the basins were forward rather than the back basins we use now.
“I started an apprenticeship at my Dad’s business – Josef’s. My mother-in-law took over the business when my father passed away, and then I eventually took it over from her.”
And Maxine’s advice for a new apprentice: “The hours can be long and there’s lots of hard work – but it’s really rewarding.”
Apprenticeship: Bricklaying & Plastering, 1984 – 1988
Steve started as an apprentice at F Watson & Son Ltd. By the third year of his apprenticeship he was running his own small jobs for the firm and, by his fourth year had become site foreman, managing a team of between 10 and 15, depending on the type and size of project.
Eventually Steve took the plunge and set up on his own. Steve Batiste’s Building Contractors now employs seven staff and is also one of the companies involved with The Guernsey Apprenticeship programme.
One of Steve’s more memorable moments of his apprenticeship is something he won’t wish to repeat: “I needed one bucket of tarmac to complete a job so I went to Ronez to collect it. I put it in my car and drove back to the site but, because it was hot, the whole bucket melted and it spilled everywhere – over my tools and my car. It took weeks to clean!”
And his tip for a new apprentice is simple: “You have got to put time and effort in if you want to enjoy the rewards.”
Apprenticeship: Hairdressing, 2019 – 2022
Lucy is working as an apprentice at her mum’s salon Josef’s. She remembers her first day which she spent doing the small jobs – sweeping the floor and washing hair.
One of the highlights of her apprenticeship is the College’s Hair & Beauty show which is the showcase event for Hair & Beauty students/apprentices when they work on models to build some incredible creations against a specific theme.