Tel: 01481 227500

Progress Coaches

Are you nervous about meeting new people and making new friends?
Do you think you may need additional support in reaching your full potential?
Are you worried about starting college and studying a new subject?
Is there something bothering you and you don’t know who to turn to?

The Progress Coaches will help you settle into College and will support you to overcome challenges. We can support you with:


  • Mental health (brief intervention, advice and guidance – signposting, referring and working in a multi-agency response)
  • Develop social and communicational skills
  • Build independence and life skills
  • Improve your self-image, mind-set to apply positive coping mechanisms
  • Build self-esteem and motivation levels
  • Develop an appropriate career plan specific to you
  • Manage your time effectively
  • Keep you safe

Please don’t hesitate to contact
 for further information.